
The address for Amberwood is – Christchurch Road (Private Road), Virginia Water, Surrey, GU25 4PT. General location map is shown below ….


Directions from Google maps opens here in new window.

Amberwood is under the RED DOT in the aerial pictures below…..

Aerial view facing north

Aerial view facing south

The entrance to the road which is called “Christchurch Road – Private Road”. There is a dentist sign on the corner which says ‘Harewood – Dental Surgeon’.

Follow the road round until you see a wide open driveway on your left just before the second last house on the left. Amberwood is the third last house from the end of the road on the left.

amberwood house
The last length of the road just before Amberwood, which is third from the end of the lane on the left.